How PIPE AG Can Improve Your Next Harvest Season

It’s Autumn, likely your busiest time of the year. Harvest season has taken off, as a farmer you are up before the sun and don’t return home until after sunset. It’s the time of the year when you reap what you worked so hard to sow all year long.

You’re exhausted, and looking forward to the day you get to rest. Which likely will be short-lived before you start to plan to do it all over again next year. The life of a farmer.

As soon as you get a little rest and relaxation, we want to help you jump into planning for your next harvest season. What can you do throughout the year to make it easier? What can you do to improve your crop quality and quantity?

If you haven’t already jumped into the world of Smart Farming for your harvest season, then let this be the year. Implementing our PIPE AG smart farming technology could be the answer you are looking for to a more productive harvest season. 

Let’s look at how Implementing PIPE AG hardware and software to your machinery and farming practice could improve your harvest season next year.

Real-Time Harvest Information

PIPE AG provides a suite of powerful precision farming tools that can be customized to meet the needs and size of your farming operation. It starts with our live view capabilities. With a quick glance at the screen, everyone on your team can see combined capacity within 1%, grain cart weights, and truck status. All machines are color-coded, so you immediately know their current status.

Compaction Mapping

Compaction can be damaging to your soil, especially if you’re harvesting while it’s wet. Though some compaction is unavoidable, it can greatly be reduced by keeping your tractors and grain carts on the same passes as much as possible. PIPE AG makes this easy to do.

With our digital farming software, compaction maps can be created in real-time, keeping your operators on as few paths as possible and protecting your soil.

GPS Technology

Most newer machinery is coming equipped with Gps technology, but what if you have perfectly operating older equipment that doesn’t have GPS built in? With PIPE AG is it easy to add GPS technology to equipment of any age. 

Leveraging the power of Google Maps and modern GPS technology, PIPE AG is able to guide you and your employees to the exact spot you’re trying to reach with easy-to-follow turn-by-turn directions.

Digital Farm Records

Tracking critical information like elevator dumps and mileage can be a hassle if you try to do it with pen and paper. Not only does it take extra time and effort, but it’s vulnerable to human error. Tickets get lost, incorrect information is written down, or operators forget to capture information in the first place.

PIPE AG simplifies the process while eliminating costly errors.

PIPE AG technology sends all your digital farm records to one place to be organized, stored, and analyzed for your records.

Harvest Season Simplified

When they think about Smart or digital farming, it may be intimidating for some. For others, they may think it will add time and busy work to their workload. We are here to tell you, implementing PIPE AG technology to your farming operation will actually save you time and simplify your farm records processes. 

If you are looking forward to your next harvest season, think about implementing PIPE AG technology. For improved quantity and quality in your next year’s harvest, contact us today!

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