What is Smart Farming?

It is no secret that the way of the future continues to become more and more dependent on technology. The advancements that have taken place in technology in the last few decades have surpassed the expectations of many.

Technology has and will continue to bring improvements and advances to many areas of business, manufacturing, travel, and our personal lives. There are no areas of our lives that have gone untouched by technology at this point. Even agriculture.

While this area of our economy may have fallen a little behind at adapting and creating technology to assist in their day to day work in the past, with the adaptation of Smart Farming devices coming on the scene, this field is quickly catching up with great success.

It’s a good thing too. The efficiency of farming and agriculture is only growing more important as It has been estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FOA) of the United Nations, there are going to be 8.5 billion human beings on planet earth by 2030 and 9.6 billion inhabitants on earth by the year 2050. It is estimated that to feed this population, food production must increase by 70%.

Farming is a profession and trade that has deep roots in hard work, tradition, family legacy, and a lot of manpower. It will never be an industry that can be fully automated by technology the way others have. Nor would hard working farmers across America ever want it to be that way.

There are, however, many practical implications for smart farming that can increase efficiency and the health of your fields and harvest without increased sweat and labor.

Practical Uses For Smart Farming

Hesitant on whether investing in smart farming equipment would be beneficial to your farm?

PIPE AG smart farming equipment and software was created by a farmer for the farmers. Farms that are 500 acres in size to 500,000 acres can easily benefit from our technology and benefit farmers in many practical ways.

Compaction Mapping

Compaction is a threat to any farm or field as the traffic of machinery and vehicles, that continue to get heavier and heavier, presses down and compacts the soil underneath. Compaction damages soil structure, decreases pore space, limits water holding abilities, and impedes root growth and development.

Compaction mapping can be used to digitally map the path of your farm vehicles to run the same path instead of affecting all of your farmland. This step of intentionally mapping your drive patterns can save farmers money and time in dealing with the consequences of compaction all over their field.

GPS For Address-less Directions

Have you ever tried to give someone directions to a place that doesn’t have an address? Farmers often turn to markers and landmarks in giving directions, which often results in lost drivers, and wasted time and energy.

PIPE AG has solved this problem using google maps and modern GPS to allow farmers to pinpoint any location and give their employees turn by turn directions through our address-less directions technology

Tracking Operations

The real time data that can be gathered through smart farming is changing the way farmers conduct their work and business. No more guessing how full grain carts are or wondering when a truck will be back.

With the click of a button you can see combine capacity within 1%, grain cart weights, and truck status. All machines are color coded, so you immediately know their current status.

Easy to Use

One of the greatest things about PIPE AG smart farming technology is that it is easy to use and integrate. It is one of our top priorities that our equipment be user friendly. We are here to simplify your farming processes, for that reason we created our technology to be useful for any skill level of technology use.

Our Smart Farming technology can easily be integrated into your farm today!

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